Sanctions list screening: easy, tailored, up-to-date

Be up-to-date and let the professionals handle sanctions list screening for you - for more compliance and less hassle. 

Customs Heroes Sanctions list screening
Sanctions list screening | Customs Heroes

Sanctions lists change constantly and so does your list of contacts and customers. Screening up-to-date sanctions lists against current customer and contact lists takes time and administrative effort, and is never finished. 

Customs Heroes will change all that and make it...


You send us your data - via API or CSV. We check it against sanctions lists and take action if there is a match. We then verify the match and report back to you which contact you need to block in your system. 


We analyse which sanctions lists are relevant to your company. This limits the extend of the screening and the effort required. 


We always screen against daily updatet sanctions lists and against all lists relevant to your company. 

Sanctions list screening | Customs Heroes

More compliance with less effort: this is how we do it.

More compliance with less effort: this is how we do it.
More compliance with less effort: this is how we do it.
Sanctions list screening | Customs Heroes

Bullet-proof your sanctions list screening. Request more information now. 

Number of annual address checks


Let us know how we can reach you.

Sanctions list screening | Customs Heroes

Any questions about sanctions lists screening with Customs Heroes? Do get in touch.

Sanctions list screening | Customs Heroes