Zollabfertigung Hintergrund

We are Customs Heroes.

Customs clearance doesn’t need to be complicated – it can also be quite simple. Let our service show you how.

Our team

Vivian, Steve, Henrik and Steffen are the public face of Customs Heroes, but they’re backed up by a heroic team of fellow customs professionals and software engineers who together make Customs Heroes possible. We all combine forces to optimize your processes and move your goods as quickly, reliably, and efficiently as possible across borders and around the world.

Our service

Whether you’re importing or exporting – by land, sea, or air: Our expertise, broker network, and specially designed customs clearance system will streamline your international flow of goods.

Classification is another one of our superpowers. We’re already leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically assign the right commodity codes to many types of goods. This makes it possible for us to complete what is usually a time-consuming process at heroic speeds. But we know that even greater things are possible. That’s why we never stop working to make digital customs even simpler.

Talk to us

Questions? Want to know more about Customs Heroes? Don’t delay – reach out to our heroes today!

Vivian Polzer - Customs Heroes

Vivian Polzer
Operations Hero

About Vivian

Vivian’s origin story lies in logistics, but soon she sought – and found – new challenges in the task of moving goods across borders. Since then she has been fascinated by customs and everything related to it. Vivian keeps her eye on the big picture at Customs Heroes. She gets everything up and running and keeps it running.

Vivian sees the ideal customs management of tomorrow defined above all by efficiency. That’s why she works tirelessly as a Customs Hero to make this vision a reality.

Steve Kunzelmann

Steve Kunzelmann
Sales Hero

About Steve

Steve has a knack for empathizing with others, so he knows exactly how to help you find happiness with our solutions. His career in customs was less of a plan and more of an accident: In his younger years, he was unexpectedly tasked with managing two customs offices. This fueled a passion for all things customs and foreign trade that still burns brightly within him.

Even when Steve is traveling the world with his wife and dog, he brings his enthusiasm for Customs Heroes with him.

Henrik Both

Henrik Both
Data Hero

About Henrik

Henrik is the guardian of Customs Heroes' system interfaces and handles all operational matters related to our data. He discovered his enthusiasm for customs issues in the mail-order business and e-commerce. Now he combines his technical expertise with customs-related topics.

In Henrik's ideal customs future, the customer, software provider, customs broker, and customs authority are optimally interconnected: 100% digital and without stress due to missing documents. Printouts? Unthinkable.

Steffen Frey

Steffen Frey
Managing Hero

About Steffen

Steffen is the “Old Wise Man” on the team, working mostly in the background to support his heroes and remove obstacles. He is driven by an obsessive ambition to redefine the world of digital customs services, always staying ahead of the curve. 

If Steffen has his way, artificial intelligence will usher in an age when we’re no longer even actively aware of customs operations, and customs specialists will finally have the time to achieve all the unrealized potential that is still out there.

Enrico Lüders

Enrico Lüders
Tariff Hero 

About Enrico

Shortly after completing his vocational training in logistics, Enrico gained his first experience in import and export processing – and developed a passion for customs. Later, he expanded his knowledge in customs processing and classification over nine years in e-commerce.

Thanks to his extensive expertise, even the trickiest classifications are a breeze for Enrico. Additionally, he helps to further perfect our processes. What excites him about this: the constantly changing challenges in the world of customs.

Zollabfertigung Hintergrund